Premier Episode!!!

This is our first episode of our brand new start up. Our topics of discussion will come from our everyday lives as well as political issues that affect us locally and nationally. Don't worry though, we will also be discussing stories and topics that are considered conspiracy or non-mainstream. These conversations and discussions will with out a doubt be off the beaten path, you have been warned.

When is the line crossed?

Here Texas Ocelot talks about when can lines be crossed and when is it a reasonable time to take action using violence. Things are happening around us that feel like they are not in our control, should we take control of those things? When is the right and just time to step in and fix these things ourselves? Hopefully some of these questions provoke some type of thought about you personally. Thanks for watching.

Finding the truth

Episode 3 is about finding the truth. What does it mean for something to be true? Is the truth the same for everyone? Who determines what is actual truth? In this episode we talk about how reality can shape someones truth and get into some examples involving recent shootings and criminal court proceedings. Let us know what you think and thanks for watching.

What will the next Civil War look like?

This time we are going strong and getting right into what is going on with Kyle Rittenhouse. Of course we go off the beaten path and talk about other things, but that is to be expected. These few weeks are going to revolve around what is happening in the legal system, since this could possibly affect us as a nation later in the future. We also bring up ideas about a possible civil war and what that might look like. Some say we are already in a "Cold" Civil War, but does it have the potential to become hot? The Slanted Scholar and Texas Ocelot give their opinions and insight on what that might look like and how it could possibly be fought. This is definitely an episode worth checking out. Thanks for watching.

WI v. Kyle Rittenhouse

Texas Ocelot is solo on this one. We are continuing our discussion on what is going on in Wisconsin with the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. Whether we know or not, this trial has the potential to affect our lives in ways we can't imagine. There are various sources shown that can help you catch up on the trial it self, so if you're interested, check out those channels mentioned. Ultimately we need to make a choice, are we going to allow people to take advantage and not even make an attempt to bring their wrong doings to light, or take action by by saying something or doing something for the betterment of ourselves, community, nation.

The Cream Rises to the Top

Today the Slanted Scholar and Texas Ocelot are talking about a few different things. Some of the topics discussed range from bullying, to why are people ignorant. What are the benefits to being ignorant and what type of legacy do people want to leave? Of course we touch on what happened with the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, but there is plenty of other topics that are delved into. At the end of the day though, "The cream always rises to the top."

Is Anarchy the Solution?

The Slanted Scholar and Texas Ocelot are hitting it hard today with a good discussion about anarchy and if it's actually something that can help solve real issues. We also bring up different issues like police reform and mental health issues which all revolve around the idea of leaving people to their own devices. We get into some weird stuff today, but maybe that's what we need in this world that has gone kind of weird itself.

The Importance of Freedom

Someone once said "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserves neither Liberty nor Safety." We live in a complicated World and everyone's situation is different, Because of that, it is impossible to try and cater to everyone's specific needs with an overarching "Universal" solution. Texas Ocelot is solo on this one, but it's an important topic to think about. Especially now that governments around the World are constantly trying to control our responsibilities by limiting our freedoms.

"Hate Crimes, Sandwiches, and School Shootings" Oh My

This week we are taking a little break from the mentally strenuous episodes we've been having by catching up on current events. Texas Ocelot is flying solo today and talks about a school shooting that happened this past week as well as even dipping some toes into the whole COVID situation. Of course this wouldn't be Slam Fire if we didn't give our point of view and some personal thoughts behind everything, so don't expect this to be a simple news reading.

You Can Lead a Horse to Water . . .

Texas Ocelot talks about two different topics, Kim Potter and a heated interview that Tim Pool had. These two topics are brough together with the reality that there are people who cannot see the truth or chose not to see the truth. There are people who are willing to listen yet do nothing with the facts, and then people who are completely devoid of reason. This is the world we live in, where logic is challenged and ridiculed when challenging mainstream thinking, no matter how destructive it is.

Disclaimer: This was recorded at 2am and somethings may come out wrong, but you should get the gist of it. *Never Let Evil Take Root

Family and Competition

With the Holiday season in full swing, Texas Ocelot talks about a couple of different things. Family gatherings are a standard for this time of year and some times they can be a little difficult depending on your type of family. That doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, but some people most certainly would think of them as challenging. All of this is brought together with competition. We most certainly change as we get older, but is that because our priorities change, or because we found something else to fill that void.

It's How We Win

This has been something that has been bothering me for a while. Who cares how it gets done, so long as it gets done. Get this money or die trying. Should this be something we should be advocating? Should we reward positive/successful outcomes no matter what it took to get there? Who cares if someone destroyed relationships or lied, they are successful now, so they win. There should definitely be a line in which we use to determine what is acceptable when it comes to ethics, but what determines that line, or should we not have a line at all and just get it done. No matter the cost.

The Chasm Between Common Sense and Logic

Has our dependance on technology created a chasm that can no longer be crossed? I hope not. but this episode we are talking about Logic and Racism. With Black history month coming up we explore the idea of, why should a person's race be the highlighting factor in their accomplishments? All this is brought together with the idea that we have dumbed ourselves down because of technology. We don't need to think because we have a device that can think for us, we have people with degrees and fancy suits that tell us what to think and feel. Stick around to the end, Texas Ocelot tries to give a possible solution to hopefully get us across this vast Chasm.

Buy a Gun

With innocent people getting stabbed for no good reason, communities and cities defunding their police departments, now is a great time to take control of your personal responsibility and protect yourself. Don't get this misconstrued, we're not trying to advertise anything, only to remind you that ultimately, you are the one responsible for protecting yourself and for some of you, your family. It can be scary, going into a gun shop and asking, what you think are stupid questions, to get something that could seriously hurt someone. That is perfectly normal. You having that concern just shows that you would be a responsible American. At the end of the day, you are responsible for filing taxes, feeding your kids, getting to work on time, and countless other things, so why should it be so hard for you defend yourself and family in a way that fits your unique needs?

What is a Country Without It's Borders?

There has been an influx of leaked video and audio concerning our open border. If you haven't heard already, the current Administration took it upon themselves to try and secure their future elections by smuggling in fresh new voters. There have been leaked videos of people being dropped off from private planes as well as infighting within actual border patrol and customs agents against the higher ups. This Administration is not only providing transportation for illegal immigrants, they are expecting our customs and border agents to turn a blind eye and continue to kick the can down the road. It was easy to give the benefit of the doubt at first, leaning with incompetence, but it seems as if the veils have been ripped to shreds and it is very obvious what's going on. There is no hiding it anymore. Unfortunately it is going to take a serious disaster to occur in order for this Administration to do anything about it, and that's if we're lucky.

Good Cop Bad Cop

How much trust should we have on our law enforcement? Is it law enforcements responsibility to protect our constitutional rights and property? Although on the surface these questions seem fairly straight forward and easy to answer, but what happens when there are LEO personal who are willing to step over an individuals rights in order to fulfill their personal agenda. This goes without saying that there is always going to be pros and cons to having and not having a police presence, but I find it interesting that many people are willing to just give police a pass simply because of the idea that they are suppose to be the good guys. We are ultimately responsible for our own well being, and giving that right away is something that shouldn't be given away light heartedly.

Update to Episode 016

This video is an update to what is going on with Slam Fire as well as some clarification on our Good Cop Bad Cop episode.

  • Follow us on Gab @slamfiremedia for when new episodes are uploaded.

  • The freedom convoy is under attack.

  • Police are hiding under the guise of "just following orders and doing my job" to infringe on the rights of the people.

  • Fuel and essential resources are being confiscated in order to end a protest.

  • The mask is lifted, now bare witness.

The Mask is Off

It should be fair to say that we are getting to the end of an era. We are reaching a point of no return where we are suppose to just turn a blind eye to things that are either blatantly wrong or is pushed by big business and government. It's very hard now a days to look at everything that is going on and not be black pilled by the whole thing. In this episode we have the Slanted Scholar back are hitting it hard. Although times may be rough and our wills tested, we must not falter and continue to spread the word by resisting. Resisting by challenging authority and exercising our rights of free speech.

"If you have no Voice, SCREAM. If you have no Legs, RUN. If you have no Hope, INVENT."


Defy what is expected of you.

"You Best Start Believing in Ghost Stories. . .you're in one!"

We are in strange times. We are seeing a government become tyrannical right in front of our eyes. All our worst nightmares are coming to reality. Everyone who called us conspiracy theorist are sparking their gaslights. Be ready, because the people who entrusted the police to protect their constitutional and human rights, are now at the mercy of a fascist state. The Canadian Government has been freezing citizens' bank accounts, trampling on peaceful protesters, and threatening law abiding business owners simply because they support peaceful protest. Standing up for your rights, protecting yourself, and challenging authority is becoming taboo. Be grateful that you're awake, because it's you can't fight back in your sleep.

"It's Time to D-Up"

You knew it was coming. With a hot war currently going on in Ukraine, with Russia on the offensive, there is an influx of information that we should heed with caution. With war comes propaganda and with propaganda comes the opportunity for leaders to send it's people into a war that will do nothing but create further useless conflict. This is a perfect example of why people need to keep it's government in check, this is especially for the people of Russia and Ukraine, who should be taking note. Politicians send people to war, and having control of your government with a rightful duty to replace it if needed, keeps them in line.

Get Down, Shut Up

Should we just bury our heads in the sand? What's the point of speaking up about something if nothing ever comes from it? We need to keep speaking out because, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. The problem is not going to go away unless we bring attention to it. With that, it's important to understand that we are not going to win every fight and we are not going to change everyone's mind, but there are people out there who need to hear the truth. I strongly believe it is your duty to speak the truth. It's a great responsibility to be in possession of the truth, because you hold the key to freedom and The truth will ultimately set us free.

"What's the matter, monster? Your skin appears to be falling off."

We have reached a pivotal point in this on going culture war. With the confirmation of the Hunter Biden Laptop as well as the constant hypocrisies that are exposed on a daily basis, we are without a doubt gaining traction. Now more than ever I feel as if people are more open to the fact that our government and the powers that be are not acting in our best interest. Stories involving Jussie Smollett as well as Andrew Cuomo has only furthered the fact that these people and institutions are doing nothing but trying to portray a false narrative. Couple that with the now daily gaffes by former vice president Biden, and ridiculous talking points of mainstream media, we have an opportunity to draw blood and win a major battle in the on going culture war. With that said, it's important to remember that we are not going to convince everyone. There are without a doubt going to be people who will refuse to see the truth. Remember:

Not everyone will be saved.

The Bar Was Set on the Ground, They brought a Shovel

Since we were young we were trained to believe that people who have fancy degrees or titles must mean that these people are smart or at least know what they are talking about. These so-called intellectuals are bumbling around as heads of industry and politics, but don't have a lick of credibility when it comes to their accomplishments. Their only useful trope is trying to make you feel stupid about not being able to comprehend their pointless nonsensical talking points, which contain zero points of logic. All it takes is asking a few simple logical questions for their entire argument to resort to name calling or changing the the subject outright. Here we have just few examples of people who are in highly distinguished positions who do nothing, except ruin everything they touch. These people need to be called out for who they are, useless frauds.

They'll come day, They'll come night, They'll have our Children in their Sights

The ATF has become emboldened with coming after regular law-abiding citizens. States are holding family’s moral values hostage in order to push a psychotic ideology to groom young children. This culture war is without a doubt in full swing. Now is the time to hunker down and prepare for the mental, spiritual, and possible physical battles that are in store for us, because remember we’re barely in April. As we get closer to November, expect things to ramp up. With that being said, it’s time to double down even, triple down on self-reliance. Do what you need to do now so that you are able to outlast all these mindless people who have made the personal decision to rely on others in order to not only survive, but reassure them that everything is fine. If the apocalypse happened tomorrow, I guarantee there would be people still going to work and going about their daily routine because they are completely oblivious to what is going on.

"Fate has No Mercy. I cannot escape My Fate."

There has been a struggle in my mind that has constantly picked at the idea of free will and if we actually have the ability of controlling our fate. The greatest chasm that I have tried to cross is the reality of our fate. Until recently I wasn't able to actually bridge the two, free will and the effect of which it has on our fate. The reality is simple, everything ends. Yes this is a bleak outlook on our future, but it is the reality. Fate has no mercy. But there is redemption in the reality that we are in control of how we reach our fate. We have the choice to take action, or simply die in a whimper. Ultimately there is no escaping our fate, this world is limited in resources and we are a violent and demanding existence on it. We do however have the opportunity to make a choice. The kindness of our kin or the hate of our enemies.

Guns and Abortion

Welcome to episode 25, today we are talking about what has been happening with abortion law and tie that in with our gun rights and the obvious attacks that are going to come for them. In previous episodes we have been talking a little more philosophically about various topics pertaining to self reliance and responsibility. This time I want to go a little into the news and put down my current stance on two topics. Guns and Abortion. With the latest shooting in Uvalde Tx, we have both anti-2nd amendment and pro-gun advocates in a rare position where they actually have something they can agree on, in these high stakes situations, waiting for police is not best response when immediate action is needed. On top of that, as we saw in Uvalde, when police actually get there, it’s not even guaranteed that the police will even do anything to solve the situation, in fact, they could possibly prevent good people from trying to stop an evil person. Where as when it comes to abortions, we have a clear divide. You have states doubling down and banning abortions out right and others that are just entrenching themselves further into far left liberal lunacy.

The Weird That Broke the Camel's Back

We see it all the time in schools and in motivational material, “speak up when something isn’t right”, These sayings seem to only apply to a select few these days. Often I have unintentionally started arguments and heated discussions simply by following that ethos. Am I a bad person for doing so? Are you a bad person for doing so? Maybe, but I know for a fact that at least I am honest with what I am saying. It may offend, upset, or discourage others, but truth is not always an easy pill to swallow. With the advent of technology we now have, in full display, the weird that runs our world. We have Men pretending to be Women and sheep larping as wolves. Now, I am by no means a biologist, but I do know the difference between a woman and a man. I am also, by no means, a weapons or tactical expert, but I know a weak minded individual when I see one.